Ice Cream My Name
You will need to print out our printable ice cream. It’s only one sheet printable and it includes 6 scoops of ice cream and one cone. In case your child’s name has more than 6 letters, just print an additional sheet of the same printable. We laminated our ice cream because in this way we can use it more than once and expand the game to other words, maybe family members or sight words after our toddler learns to spell her own name.
After you have printed it out, write on a cone the complete name using a dry-erase marker. Inside the circles on the ice cream scoops write a single letter from the name. Your toddler’s task is to build her/his name using ice cream scoops to match the name written on the cone.
As I mentioned, you can use the same set to teach your toddler names of other members of your family, sight words or any other word you would like. You will simply use a paper handkerchief to wipe the dry-erase marker and write other words on the cone and letters on ice cream scoops.
Simple and effective! If you add a real ice cream into the game and treat them for a job well done, they will love it!
Meet Mihaela:
Mihaela runs Best Toys 4 Toddlers blog and loves to come up with new ideas how to use old toys her 2 daughters keep leaving on the floor to slip over. Right now she’s thinking how to get her 7 year old to make toys for 2 year old as an idea to bring them closer together. In mean time, you can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest sharing playful learning ideas for toddlers and preschoolers.
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